2018-07-30 11:57:01

Bachelor in the USA, Bachelor's Degree in America, Diploma, Scholarships

Bachelor in the USA, Bachelor's Degree in America, Diploma, Scholarships

The US education system is one of the best in the world and is aimed at educating a high-level critically thinking professional. Every year thousands of foreign citizens from all over the world enter the schools , colleges and universities of the country, and also study on short-term programs. Many institutions occupy high places in regional and world rankings, research centers and laboratories conduct modern science to progress, making the most important discoveries in various fields of knowledge.

Advantages of Higher Education in the USA

Getting a bachelor's degree in the US is extremely popular, as it has a number of advantages:

  • One of the best education systems in the world
  • Qualitative and carefully designed programs
  • Advanced scientific technologies and theories
  • A wide range of directions and specialties
  • Basic and additional specializations within the framework of one diploma
  • Comprehensive development program, including sports education and creative activities
  • Fundamental scientific and technical basis
  • A large number of prestigious and most rated institutions
  • Highly qualified teachers and staff
  • The possibility of employment in the US, Europe and the world
  • Possibility to continue studying at the magistracy
  • Equipped with the best standards.

The standard duration of training is 4 years, but this period can be reduced or increased in certain circumstances. The academic year is usually divided into two semesters, but there is a division into terms or quarters; classes are held from September to the end of May with a large vacation for the Christmas holidays and at various numbers in March-April. Training is characterized by flexibility and fundamental training. Prestigious establishments prepare truly "piece" experts who find their knowledge worthy application in any corner of the globe.

Undergraduate Studies in America: The Structure and Features of Learning

The big plus and peculiarity of the bachelor's system in the USA is its flexibility: here each student chooses for himself not only the main but also additional specialization - Major and Minor.

  • Major - the main sphere, it is characterized by in-depth study and contains 10 to 19 subjects.
  • Minor - an additional sphere that allows you to expand competencies, add a certain specialization to the core.


Such a system makes it possible to be more prepared and versatile in professional activity, it makes it possible to develop in several directions at once. In addition to the choice of specializations, each student can vary his schedule, reduce or increase the load from semester to semester. Moreover, if desired, the student can change the directions Major and Minor.

Another feature is the system of so-called educational credits (credit units). Each passed course / discipline is evaluated in a specific number of loans, which then add up to a total amount, and to obtain a diploma, you must necessarily recruit a certain number of loans. All studied disciplines (both basic and specialized) have a strict plan and give deep knowledge with the obligatory ability to apply them in practice. There are classes of different types:

  • Lectures and extended lectures
  • Seminars, interactive seminars
  • Classes with invited experts and specialists
  • Individual work
  • Work in groups and mini-groups
  • Laboratory work
  • Field studies.

For regular monitoring of academic progress, students perform screening work, such as:

  • Examinations (including invisible)
  • Tests
  • Essay Writing
  • Submission of reports on laboratory work
  • Course projects
  • Written works
  • Preparation and presentation of presentations.

Points are awarded for everything - for activity in seminars and lectures, for attendance, for various achievements. It is important not to forget that you can claim a good job and a promising future only if you receive high marks. Also, students take part in internships: they are held in specialized organizations and companies, where students receive invaluable experience in practical activities. Great support is given to foreign participants - specially for them there are support centers, lessons are being conducted to adapt to the way of life and the education system. All students attend special seminars on career development and job placement.

Diploma and Bachelor's Degree

In the United States, there are various types of educational institutions that issue bachelor's degrees:

  • Universities: have the status of research institutions, award bachelor's, master's and doctor's degrees. Are divided into colleges and departments
  • Colleges: for the most part they do not conduct scientific work, they award only a bachelor's degree
  • 2-year colleges: provide two-year vocational education (Associate Degree). After receiving this degree, graduates can either work, or go to college or university for a third year.

In addition to the standard diplomas, it is possible to obtain a dual degree or an accelerated bachelor's and master's degree program (Accelerated degree), as well as obtaining certificates.

Depending on the direction and specialization are awarded either general degrees or degrees with an indication of the subject area. General (research) degrees are awarded after fundamental scientific, theoretical and research programs, and professional ones assume the presence of specialization in any field, a large volume of practice and internships. Examples:

  • BA, Bachelor of Arts (Bachelor of Arts)
  • BS, Bachelor of Science (Bachelor of Science)
  • BFA, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
  • B.Arch., Bachelor of Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture)
  • BSPA, Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs (Bachelor of Science in Public Relations)
  • BSW, Bachelor of Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work)
  • BEng., Bachelor of Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering)
  • BPhil., Bachelor of Philosophy (Bachelor of Philosophy)
  • B.Arch., Bachelor of Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture).

The bachelor's degree received in the USA is highly appreciated both within the country, and Europe, Canada and other countries of the world. Graduates are employed by the company in their profile, public authorities, medical organizations, open their business. They can also continue their studies by entering the magistracy department.

The process of admission to undergraduate studies in the US

Entry requirements have some differences depending on the university, but the general requirements include:

  • Diploma of secondary education. In the United States, certificates of foreign states are recognized, but sometimes a special translation and assurance procedure (homologation) is required. The certificate must have a fairly high average score and marks on subjects, especially profile ones.
  • Deep knowledge of the disciplines. Graduates of American schools take standardized tests of SAT and ACT, which show the level of knowledge. With regard to foreigners, the admission committee can count for the indicators and grades from the certificate, but the higher the prestige of the institution, the greater the likelihood that it will have to surrender SAT or ACT.
  • High level of English proficiency, confirmed by TOEFL or IELTS certificates.
  • Personal achievements in science, creativity, sports, hobbies and other activities (especially important when entering the best, most elite and prestigious universities and colleges).


To apply, you must provide:

  • Certificate (certified copy)
  • Recommendations from teachers from the previous place of study
  • The results of SAT, ACT or specialized tests (if necessary)
  • TOEFL or IELTS certificates
  • Motivational letter detailing the reasons and objectives of admission to the baccalaureate and selected university
  • Confirmation of solvency (if necessary).

Possibility of receiving scholarships for training

Many applicants who want to study in the US are frightened by the high cost of education - but it is worth remembering that if the entrant has a high level of knowledge and achievements, he can expect to receive a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded by educational institutions and third-party organizations, and are provided not only for citizens and residents of the United States, but also for foreigners. To receive a scholarship, you must necessarily have a high level of knowledge, good marks, achievements in sports, creativity and other areas. The scholarship can cover both part of the cost of training, and the full cost.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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