
Tourism articles in Portugal

TOP-10 smartest countries in the world 2022 Rankings
TOP-10 smartest countries in the world 2022 Rankings
06.02.2022 12:39:30
In today's world, we are constantly faced with various global problems, whether it is climate change on the planet or the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. In order to solve serious problems i...
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TOP-7 best cities to live: world leaders
TOP-7 best cities to live: world leaders
27.12.2021 17:45:05
Every year, ratings of the best cities on the planet are compiled, which are recognized as the most comfortable for life in a certain area. Usually, the contenders for the title of the best city on Ea...
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TOP-10 most amazing mean of transport for tourists
TOP-10 most amazing mean of transport for tourists
27.12.2021 17:26:13
Different types of transport are popular in different countries, and today we have collected a selection of interesting means of transportation from around the world.
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Portugal Flag: History and Symbolism
Portugal Flag: History and Symbolism
11.11.2021 23:11:33
Since the birth of Portuguese statehood, its flag was directly associated with the coat of arms of the king, and until 1640 it was literally the same thing. Each era added its own symbols, and althoug...
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Countries with the best roads: world ranking
Countries with the best roads: world ranking
24.08.2021 15:52:50
We present a list of TOP-10 states where the transport infrastructure is most developed.  
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TOP most unusual houses in the world
TOP most unusual houses in the world
24.08.2021 15:51:51
Our planet is densely populated with people unusual, bright and pretentious, constructing the world to match themselves. Such people need appropriate housing, because architectural education is still...
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TOP natural attractions where you probably have not been yet
TOP natural attractions where you probably have not been yet
24.08.2021 15:19:06
There are places on earth that are not too popular with tourists, although they are picturesque and unusual. And they were created not by human hands, but by nature, because only she could create such...
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TOP-10 national dishes in Portugal
TOP-10 national dishes in Portugal
24.08.2021 15:16:23
The cuisine of Portugal is famous for its dishes of fresh fish and seafood. What are they, the main dishes of Portuguese cuisine?
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TOP weird buldings in Europe that everyone hates
TOP weird buldings in Europe that everyone hates
28.05.2021 00:01:03
Architecture is an integral part of life. Man-made buildings surround us everywhere, from small villages to large metropolitan areas. Homes and public buildings should be, first of all, easy to use fo...
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TOP-10 hidden islands in Europe
TOP-10 hidden islands in Europe
09.03.2021 00:01:09
Europe is rich and diverse in monuments of history and culture, natural attractions. This time we will talk about the islands. If islands such as Capri, Skye and Rhodes - well-known and quite popular...
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TOP-10 most hospitable countries
TOP-10 most hospitable countries
06.03.2021 00:00:36
Despite the coronavirus crisis, life goes on, the epidemic is declining and some countries are opening their borders to tourists, which means that soon millions of people will have to make a choice wh...
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Most dangerous airport in the world: fasten your seat belts
Most dangerous airport in the world: fasten your seat belts
21.01.2021 00:00:22
The modern word "airport" came to us from the ancient Greek language. In translation, it means "air harbor", which fully corresponds to its name. Today most airports are huge compl...
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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