
Tourism articles in Japan

TOP-20 popular countries for tourism and 20 most popular souvenirs
TOP-20 popular countries for tourism and 20 most popular souvenirs
01.04.2022 02:00:15
When we travel around the globe, usually rarely anyone refrains from buying gifts for friends, relatives, and sometimes they want to buy something as a souvenir. Ideally, the gift should be memorable,...
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TOP most unusual sweets in the world
TOP most unusual sweets in the world
01.04.2022 01:56:20
Almost all people tend to treat themselves to sweets. Residents of African countries, Japanese and Americans are no exception, but their desserts are sometimes strikingly different from what we are us...
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TOP countries with the most strict discipline and laws
TOP countries with the most strict discipline and laws
01.04.2022 01:55:53
The rules, laws and customs of the country in which we are born are perceived by us as the norm. At the same time, the lifestyle of foreigners can cause us confusion, surprise and even horror. In turn...
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TOP most beautiful parks in the world
TOP most beautiful parks in the world
01.04.2022 01:55:45
A walk in the park on a good day is something that no lover of nature and beauty will refuse! Spending time in the fresh air, in the company of trees and green plants will be not only pleasant, but al...
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TOP most exciting and dizzying attractions in the world
TOP most exciting and dizzying attractions in the world
06.02.2022 12:38:21
The amusement park has long gone ahead. Now it is not just a carousel with beautiful horses, but also a real exciting adventure in the world of bright emotions and unrealistically high adrenaline! Tod...
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TOP-10 largest Ferris wheels in the world
TOP-10 largest Ferris wheels in the world
06.02.2022 12:37:02
Almost all significant megacities in the world have a list of important places of interest, which includes the building of the national stock exchange, a medieval fortress in the center of the capital...
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TOP-3 most desirable countries for travelling
TOP-3 most desirable countries for travelling
06.02.2022 12:36:22
Information portal Travel Daily Media analyzed more than a hundred online sources to identify which destinations around the world occupy the first place in the lists of people.
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Differences between the two Japanese capitals: modern Tokyo and ancient Kyoto
Differences between the two Japanese capitals: modern Tokyo and ancient Kyoto
06.02.2022 12:35:14
So what are the differences between the former capital and modern Tokyo?
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TOP-5 false myths about Japan
TOP-5 false myths about Japan
06.02.2022 12:34:26
Naturally, everyone has his own impression of the life and characteristics of the indigenous people. And the travelers were there in different years. But, talking about the traditions of the Japanese,...
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TOP-10 places that look like a fairy tale
TOP-10 places that look like a fairy tale
27.12.2021 17:43:11
Our planet is full of beautiful places, seeing which, a person seems to fall into a fairy tale and at first can not believe that these beautiful landscapes are in front of his eyes, and are not Photos...
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TOP-9 difficulties that await tourists in Japan
TOP-9 difficulties that await tourists in Japan
27.12.2021 17:28:22
Even the most enthusiastic travelers have reasons not to like a particular country. Somewhere to find a reason is simpler, in other cases it will take an excellent effort. Japan is the last case: we p...
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TOP-10 future centers of tourism in 2022
TOP-10 future centers of tourism in 2022
27.12.2021 17:28:06
The world organization UNWTO provided a report on the direction in the development of world tourism. Having comprehensively analyzed it, we focused our attention on the countries to which the attentio...
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TOP-10 most amazing mean of transport for tourists
TOP-10 most amazing mean of transport for tourists
27.12.2021 17:26:13
Different types of transport are popular in different countries, and today we have collected a selection of interesting means of transportation from around the world.
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The smartest country in the world: what is it?
The smartest country in the world: what is it?
26.12.2021 21:09:27
In general, humanity is a rather intelligent and even intelligent community. In a relatively short time, we learned how to divide the atom, built spaceships, invented super-strong and superconducting...
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TOP-11 facts about Japan: truth or myths
TOP-11 facts about Japan: truth or myths
26.12.2021 21:06:09
It is believed that Japan occupies one of the leading places in the number of suicides. This is true, but the gap from neighbors is not so great: for example, in 2017, the Japanese committed Roskomnad...
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TOP-7 countries where you will be paid for moving
TOP-7 countries where you will be paid for moving
25.12.2021 22:36:24
There are countries on earth that are ready to support people who have moved to their lands. But to do this, you need to follow the established requirements! I wonder how?
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TOP-10 most expensive cities for living abroad
TOP-10 most expensive cities for living abroad
11.11.2021 23:12:07
Let's see what the rating of the most expensive cities for living abroad looks like? For its compilation, researchers took as a basis more than 200 parameters, including prices for housing, transp...
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TOP countries where it is dangerous for women to travel alone
TOP countries where it is dangerous for women to travel alone
03.11.2021 01:01:43
It is believed that in the modern civilized world, women are equal with men, and the issue of security is no exception. However, protests for women's rights are taking place around the world, even...
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Summer internships worth considering for foreign students
Summer internships worth considering for foreign students
02.09.2021 00:26:28
In this article, we present a small selection of current grant and scholarship projects for educational purposes in different parts of the globe. This is not only a way to increase your competitivenes...
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The safest country in the world: where is the most peaceful life?
The safest country in the world: where is the most peaceful life?
02.09.2021 00:25:51
Never in all of human history has life been as safe, calm and measured as it is today. The reason for this is the progress in medicine, technology and science. A person can live much easier, as well a...
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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