2021-08-24 15:51:01

Amazing fish people from the Bajo tribe: interesting facts

Amazing fish people from the Bajo tribe: interesting facts

In the waters of the Indian Ocean between Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia lives a unique tribe of Bajo - sea gypsies, navigators, nomads. For a millennium, people have traveled on the water in makeshift boats or in floating temporary homes. They do not count the years and can not accurately name their age, live, focusing on daylight, without electricity and away from fresh water sources.


Baggio are hospitable and friendly, happy to receive curious land people, telling them a common legend about how during life on land there was a fierce storm that carried the royal daughter into the sea. Distraught with grief, the king sent his subjects in search of the princess with the words not to appear on the eyes until the blood was not find. Centuries have passed, Princess Baggio has not been found - so they wander along the water surface, not in a hurry to return to land and fearing the wrath of the lord.

Of course, this is only a romantic legend. About the origin of Baggio, scientists are still arguing. And at this time, sailors feel great in the literal sense like a fish in the water. Over the years of life in the sea, the body of bajo people adapted to atypical living conditions for humans, thanks to which they learned to hold their breath for up to 15 (!) minutes and dive to a depth of 70 meters.

Such abilities could not but interest scientists who found out that the people of the Baggio tribe have an enlarged spleen, which allows the body to receive oxygen during long dives. Many Baggio pierce the eardrums at a young age, which deprives them of unpleasant sensations when diving - and hearing in old age. But Baggio's vision is like dolphins, and this is not a figure of speech, but the pure truth. The retina of the eye is able to adapt and distinguish objects under water as clearly as on the surface. This especially helps young Baggio in their search for pearls, which they are engaged in.

But the main thing in the life of the tribe is fishing. The craft of fishing is taught to children from a young age. For 8 hours a day, Baggio fish, 5 of them are spent under water. Fish catch a lot, then sell and buy with the proceeds fresh water and wood for the repair of houseboats and boats. For the purpose of trading, Baggio and go to land, "land", as they call it. In addition to trade, the reason for going to earth is the need to bury the dead.

Baggio has no political system, they do not consider themselves to be one of the states, do not pay taxes and insurance premiums. They live in families in 1-3 boats, to which they are responsible. Housing are homemade boats "lepa-lepa", but sometimes on the coral reefs of Baggio build houseboats designed for children's rest and storage of fishing equipment. Most of life is spent on a boat: here and the kitchen, and bedroom, and guests can be accepted.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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