
Agora International School Barcelona

Recognized as one of the best schools in Spain
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Description of Agora International School Barcelona

  • Year of foundation: 2010
  • Location: the town of Sant Esteban de Sasroviras (25 kilometers from Barcelona), Catalonia, Spain
  • Age of students: from 1 year to 18 years 
  • Number of students: 410 people
  • Number of teachers: 75 people
  • Type of Institution: International Private School
  • Type of education: day school
  • Language of instruction: English and Spanish (bilingual education).

Agora International School Barcelona (Private School of Agora) is a private international school located in Spain near Barcelona. The school is a part of the NACE network, which unites 21 schools in 6 countries: Spain, France, Italy, Britain, India and Andorra. The organization has 40 years of experience: schools under the auspices of NACE have established themselves as quality and professional educational institutions.

At present there are 4 departments in the school:

  • Kindergarten (age from 1 year to 5 years)
  • Primary education (6 to 11 years)
  • Secondary education (12-15 years)
  • Bachillerato or IB - senior classes (Spanish and international) (16-18 years).

The school's curriculum meets the highest standards: students get maximum useful knowledge, develop morally, physically, creatively, expand their horizons and become real citizens of the world. Education is conducted on a bilingual basis: all classes are conducted in English and Spanish (also have the opportunity to study in Catalan). All 4 departments have their own audiences and all the necessary facilities. Teachers of the school are extremely high-quality specialists and recognized leaders in their fields of knowledge. The learning process involves involving students in "live" work and exchange of opinions, the education of responsible and critical minded people who are deprived of prejudices and are called upon to solve the contradictions and problems of the modern world in order to achieve a better future.

The programs of kindergarten and primary education are aimed at the comprehensive development and comprehension of student's place in the world and society. With the students there are professional educators and teachers who create a comfortable relaxed atmosphere and help to fully reveal the potential of the youngest students.

In childhood, a solid foundation is laid for further learning, preferences and character are formed. Students of secondary education and international baccalaureate have the opportunity to permanently reside on the school grounds. The school provides an opportunity to receive an International Baccalaureate diploma in one of two areas: social and scientific. This diploma is very prestigious and highly appreciated by universities around the world. Students in the upper grades receive effective help in the process of professional orientation and choice of the future profession and are graduated from the school with a well-formed circle of interests and preferences. Graduates of the "International Baccalaureate" program annually enter the best higher education institutions in Spain, Europe and the whole world.

In addition to all the necessary knowledge in subjects and disciplines, students actively engage in sports, physical activity, various forms of creativity and art. The undoubted advantage of the school is the possibility of obtaining a diploma of music education, which is issued on the basis of music education by the Conservatory of Barcelona.

School of Music

A unique feature and great advantage of the school "Agora" is the availability of its own music department and the possibility of obtaining a diploma of a music school - an official document on education that confirms the competence of the student. The international music school "Agora" in Barcelona works in cooperation with the prestigious "Escolania de Montserrat" (the oldest children's choir in the world), is part of the Liceu Conservatory in Barcelona and follows educational methods, teaching materials and evaluation criteria both. Students can study at various levels and receive basic level diplomas (B1-B6) and advanced levels (Advanced), which are awarded by the Conservatory of Barcelona. For pupils the following kinds of musical and instrumental creativity are available:

  • Piano, violin, viola and cello (early education, primary education and secondary education)
  • Saxophone, clarinet, flute, drums, trumpet, trombone and bass (starting from 6 years old and ending with secondary education)
  • Music Choir
  • "Big Band": orchestra, for all string and wind instruments
  • "Combo": a modern musical group, in which all instruments and voices can participate
  • Choir: participation in concerts of the conservatory (Liceu Conservatoire) and support of examinations
  • The Conservatoire Program (Liceu Conservatoire Program)
  • Musical theater: classes in theater, music and scenic movement
  • Percussion: working with different instruments and in different compositions
  • "Batukad": percussion ensemble, participation in the carnival and events.

The duration of classes and the number of hours per week varies depending on the type of creative activity. Professional teachers work with students using the most advanced methodologies and technologies. Music education contributes to high creative and personal development, and the receipt of an official diploma of music education - gives benefits to graduates and the opportunity to continue learning in various areas of musical art and creativity.

The cost of studying in various areas of the music school is (approximate prices):

  • Instrumental music = 55 € / month (30 minutes each week), 100 € / month (60 minutes every week)
  • Group music types = from 13 to 30 € / month (60 minutes every week)
  • Musical Theater = 18 € / month (60 minutes every week)
  • The conservatory program (Liceu Conservatoire Program) = 25 € / month (40 minutes each week).

Robotics courses for students

  • Age: from 4 to 11 years
  • Levels: early, elementary, advanced.

Robotics courses can be attended by students aged 4 to 11 years: all participants are divided into three groups according to age and skill level. Classes are held once a week and take 50 minutes. Students  acquire the skills of developing and implementing complex technical systems, learn to think creatively and implement their own projects.

Tuition fees for robotics courses for students  = from 51 € / month (1 lesson every week of the month).

Chess Club

  • Age: for elementary school pupils
  • Levels: Beginner and Advanced.

In the chess club, primary school students with an initial or advanced level of skills are engaged. Classes are conducted by professional chess trainers once a week for 50 minutes. Stuednts learn a lot about the strategies and tactics of the game, actively train, develop logical and creative thinking, mindfulness and memory.

The cost of participation in the chess club = 26 € / month (4 lessons per month).

Additional seminars on academic support

  • For students of primary, secondary education and Bachillerato (senior classes).

Special seminars are designed for those students who need additional consultations to overcome any difficulties in the process of education and adaptation. The classes are aimed at developing teaching skills, assisting in adapting to the education system in the school, advising on difficult topics and issues. When visiting additional seminars, participants from other countries receive very effective support. Classes are held 2 times a week and take 60 minutes each.

The cost of attending additional seminars on academic support is 42 € / month (8 lessons per month).

Agora International School Barcelona (Agora Private School) provides students from all over the world with the opportunity to receive exceptionally high quality international education, which is highly valued in many countries and universities around the world, and is an important step towards professional and personal success. If you choose a better future for your child, then there is no doubt that this private school will provide a solid foundation and will start this future!

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Agora International School Barcelona

Program name
Last booking 3 weeks ago
All year round
from 645.00 € / month
from 645.00 € / month
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Kindergarten (Infant Education)

  • Age: from 1 year to 5 years
  • Type of program: day school
  • Language of instruction: English, Spanish (bilingual education).

Early childhood education is a key stage in the development of the youngest students. The school offers a unique program based on individual attention to each student, careful and sensitive attitude to their needs and creating a comfortable environment filled with love and respect. Students play and build relationships, learn to understand what is happening and with the help of teachers, experiment with various activities. A high-quality program, which the school calls "Happy Learning" (Happy Learning) includes such important disciplines as:

  • Development of psychomotor skills
  • English
  • Music
  • Swimming
  • Games
  • Music and art.

A distinctive feature of the program is the English "immersion" - children from the early years learn to speak English and develop a positive attitude to other languages ​​and cultures. In addition, from the age of 3, they can begin to learn Chinese.

During this period, a solid foundation is laid for the further education process. Parents take an active part in school life, teachers and mentors maintain close contact with them to keep abreast of all events and the state of each student. If necessary, parents together with the teachers adjust the curriculum and help the child overcome difficulties.

Tuition fee on the program "Kindergarten" (Infant Education) you can check with our specialists.

Primary Education

  • Age of students: 6-11 years
  • Type of program: day school
  • Language of instruction: English, Spanish.

Primary education in the school is aimed at developing a number of values ​​and skills that shape the personality of the student, such as initiative, responsibility and self-discipline, cooperation, solidarity, respect and tolerance. Students are taught to conduct a dialogue, develop the ability to resolve conflicts, make decisions and act collectively.

Primary education in the school includes the following characteristics:

  • Comprehensive development of students, education of their independence and responsibility for their own learning
  • Individual tutorials and plans
  • Strategies for working and using tools to solve common situations in the classroom and in their daily lives
  • "Language Involvement": creation of all conditions for studying and developing English and Spanish languages ​​(also Catalan language). Children learn by choice: Chinese (Mandarin), French or German
  • Development of creative skills through classes in art, painting, music
  • Physical activity.

Primary education gives students all the necessary knowledge and skills necessary for the next stage of education and helps them to comprehend their place in the world around them.

Tuition fee on the program "Primary Education" (Primary Education) should be clarified with our specialists.

All year round
from 725.00 € / month
from 725.00 € / month
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Secondary Education

  • Age of students: 12-15 years
  • Type of training: boarding school
  • Language of instruction: English and Spanish ("bilingual" education).
  • Since 12 years in the private school of Agora operates a boarding school: children are trained and live in school on an ongoing basis. Children from all over the world can come here, who have certain levels of knowledge in languages ​​(English and Spanish) and disciplines. The school enables foreign students to study both the whole year and during the semester (from September to April or from January to June) or the term (September to December).

    The main goal of the secondary education stage is to provide students with the necessary resources to develop a critical, analytical and rational spirit that enables them to participate actively and effectively in society. Teachers of the school are working to ensure that students become well-educated, competent people. The methodology of teaching allows teenagers to acquire skills of work and study, develops self-discipline, perseverance and effort. The school is confident that responsibility and self-control are vital tools for the personal development of each student.

    The most characteristic features of the secondary education stage are:

  • Language training: each subject is studied in one of three languages ​​- English, Catalan or Spanish (the main working languages ​​are English and Spanish)
  • All pupils study the second foreign language - German, French or Chinese
  • Daily work on skills, competencies and intelligence development
  • Multidisciplinary programs reflecting real life
  • Direct and active learning experience and interaction in small-sized classes
  • Joint training in teams, couples and individual work
  • Individual education through special programs.
  • Training comes with a full immersion in two languages ​​- English and Spanish - and choose the preferred language, which can then take exams: the Cambridge English exam (Cambridge English) or DELE in Spanish. In addition, students can also take profile tests in additional languages ​​in specialized organizations: Alliance Française (French), Deutsche Akademie (German) and Hang Ban Institute (the Chinese youth test).

    In the last two years of secondary school there is an active process of determining the student's preferred direction of education in the upper grades (Bachillerato). Under the strict guidance of specialists and teachers of the school, taking into account academic indicators, psychological and profile tests, students choose for themselves those areas of knowledge that they are most interested in and which they would like to study in graduating classes and later in the university.

    Tuition fees on the Secondary Education program (boarding school with accommodation and meals): 21500 € / year of study, 16300 € / semester of study (September to April or January to June), 8300 € / term training (from September to December).

    All year round
    from 750.00 € / month
    from 750.00 € / month
    There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

    Senior classes (Bachillerato)

    • Age: 16-18 years old
    • Type of program: day school
    • Language of instruction: English, Spanish.

    The international school Agora Barcelona offers the opportunity to study four departments:

    • Science / Health
    • Technologies
    • Humanitarian sciences
    • Social sciencies

    The subjects offered in each of the directions are designed in such a way that graduates can access the greatest number of degrees in the universities of Catalonia and in the rest of Spain. Education on the Bachillerato stage includes several important characteristics:

    • Students learn to show responsibility and resolve to achieve the best results and not to experience problems with a successful transition to higher-level research
    • Much attention is paid to experimental work in laboratories
    • Students actively learn languages: both English and Spanish, and German, French
    • The school takes part in various competitions in the fields of science and philology.

    Students attend open days at various universities and pass various tests and exercises to identify areas of knowledge that most closely match their skills and preferences. The school's specialists provide students with all kinds of assistance in the process of preparing for admission to higher educational institutions: students also receive special additional consultations on entering the university and identifying their strengths / weaknesses. Bachillerato provides an excellent level of preparation and the opportunity to enter the best universities in Catalonia and Spain.

    tuition fee on the program of the senior classes (Bachillerato) should be checked with our specialists.

    All year round
    from 865.00 € / month
    from 865.00 € / month
    There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

    International Baccalaureate

  • Age of students: 16-18 years
  • Type of training: boarding school
  • Language of instruction: English, Spanish.
  • The Agora Barcelona International School has the right to teach the prestigious IB Diploma Program (International Baccalaureate). IB is based on a practical and experimental methodology in which students play an active role and are encouraged to apply different approaches to learning. Students can choose one of the following two directions:

  • Social sciencies
  • Scientific Baccalaureate.
  • Moreover, the curriculum at the school is organized in such a way that students receive dual qualifications: "National Baccalaureate" (Spanish Baccalaureate, Bachillerato equivalent) and "International Baccalaureate".

    The program can be attended by adolescents from around the world with a certain level of knowledge in languages ​​and disciplines. The International Baccalaureate program provides students with comprehensive training, offering them various advantages: developing critical and independent thoughts, improving communication skills and understanding international problems. The program allows students to create a solid foundation necessary for access to the most prestigious universities in the world, thanks to talent development, full dedication, language development, cultural awareness and a sense of respect and tolerance acquired during the course of studies. Students receive many important skills that will be useful to them not only on admission to the university, but also throughout their lives:

  • The ability to think critically and independently, developing their own training
  • Participate in a research program that will enable them to access the best universities around the world
  • Improve your language skills
  • The development of cultural understanding and diversity
  • Development of internationalism and openness to other cultures and opinions.
  • In addition, the program includes pre-university training, which helps students find their vocation and helps them in choosing a profession. All graduates of the international baccalaureate of the Agor school enter prestigious educational institutions in Spain, Europe and the whole world.

    The cost of training on the International Baccalaureate program (boarding school, with accommodation and meals) = 23500 € / year of study, 16300 € / semester of study (from September to April or from January to June), 8300 € / term training (from September to December).

    Accommodation, meals, prices

    Employees of the school provide security for all students around the clock. Providing comfortable staying for all of its students is a priority of the private school of Agora.

    The menu for students includes dishes prepared only from fresh and environmentally friendly products, on campus there is own garden, where the school staff grows vegetables and greens. All product suppliers are reliable local manufacturers. Students have the opportunity to choose the most preferred cuisine and meals, at any time of the year on the table are fresh vegetables and fruits. A full-time nutritionist and nutrition consultant also works at the school.

    Subjects, specialties

    Activities Agora International School Barcelona

    Studying at school, students not only acquire valuable knowledge, but also have an excellent opportunity to engage in various kinds of creativity, sports and other activities, participate in public school life, attend excursions and events and organize their leisure.

    Creativity is a tool for learning that stimulates student's intellectual potential, improves their ability to express themselves and strengthens creative, reflective and critical thought. The school has a unique system of supporting creative potential and teaching many forms of creativity. Students achieve significant success and have the opportunity in the future to professionally engage in this or that hobby:

    • Musical education
    • Painting, drawing
    • Architecture, sculpture
    • Drama
    • Acting art
    • Cinema
    • Writing and poetry.

    Stuednts of the school can exhibit their works on public display at special exhibitions, exchange opinions, assess achievements of each other. The constant interaction and interpenetration of different cultures further enriches the creative world of students and makes them developed members of society.

    The school pays an important place to sports education of students - they have the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports and physical activity. Professional school coaches work with students, there is an opportunity to participate in various competitions and contests. Available sports include:

    • Multi-sport (the beginning of sports, games for pupils in children's education)
    • Modern dance (exercises on the development of flexibility, coordination, musical rhythm and concentration for children and primary education)
    • Mugendo - Mugendo (modern martial art and innovative pedagogical system for children and primary education)
    • Rhythmic gymnastics (activities for the development of rhythm and learning for children and primary education)
    • Skating
    • Basketball
    • Football
    • Swimming
    • Tennis
    • Volleyball
    • Yoga.

    In addition to the main sports, general physical exercises are available: running, exercising, gymnastics and others. Sports activities increase endurance, promote proper physical development and maintain health. The pupils of the school are always in proper physical form, the staff of the school and the medical school center always follow their general physical condition and state of health.

    The school also organizes an active extra-curricular life for its students. Stuednts are in various clubs and communities, take part in festivals, festivals and thematic events held on the campus of the school. Great attention is paid to the organization of various cognitive excursions, trips and walks. The specialists of the school try to make the learning process and life as interesting and useful as possible. Students visit the most diverse monuments of Catalonia and other regions of Spain and significantly expand their horizons and general erudition.

    Also quite important are international events organized under the auspices of the NACE network: they are a vital part of the learning process, designed to develop in students a true international spirit and global responsibility. The events are attended by students from other network schools located in Spain and other countries, which promotes intercultural dialogue, language development and gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and outlook of other peoples.


    • The school is a part of the network of NACE schools, which has established itself as an exceptionally high-quality network for 40 years of work around the world
    • There are 4 departments of education for students of all ages
    • Possibility of receiving a prestigious diploma of the International Baccalaureate in two areas: social and scientific
    • Carefully compiled programs
    • Exclusively highly qualified teachers
    • Bilingual program in English and Spanish (also possible in Catalan)
    • Exceptionally high rates in most disciplines
    • Possibility to study German, French and Chinese languages
    • The possibility of obtaining a diploma of music education, issued by the Conservatory of Barcelona
    • Educating responsible, critical-minded, competent and professional members of society
    • Students of secondary education departments and international baccalaureate permanently reside on the territory of the school
    • Professional staff
    • Equipping the campus to the best and most modern standards
    • Active extra-curricular life and sports education
    • Availability of supplementary education programs.

    Facilities and equipment at Agora International School Barcelona

    The school is located on the territory of a modern campus in the city of San Esteban de Sasroviras, part of the province of Barcelona and located 25 kilometers from Barcelona. The campus is located in a quiet and ecologically clean countryside, where clean air, lots of greenery and trees. On campus there is everything necessary for students to be able to study peacefully, play sports, various extracurricular activities and live:

    • Audiences for classes (separate for students , primary, secondary education)
    • Administrative building
    • Theatrical studios
    • Music studios
    • Scientific laboratories
    • Laboratory of Biology / Geology
    • Library
    • Canteen
    • Special zone for children's games
    • Garden
    • Sports center (which includes halls for gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, swimming pool, gym and other facilities)
    • Sports grounds and facilities
    • Residences for living.

    The classrooms are spacious and bright (usually one wall in the audience - a panoramic window), equipped with air conditioning and air purification systems, as well as equipped with comfortable workplaces and multimedia equipment. Scientific laboratories have the best equipment of their kind and are equipped with the latest technology, creative audiences also are not inferior to them. The sports center, sites and facilities are always in good condition and have all the necessary equipment. The school is widely used new technologies: Wi-Fi, smart desks, interactive whiteboards, tablets and the latest computer equipment.

    Admission dates and extra charges

    The academic year of the basic educational programs in the school is divided into trimesters:

    • Autumn: September - December (break for the New Year holidays)
    • Winter: January - March (break for Easter holidays)
    • Spring: April-June.

    The academic year of supplementary education programs:

    • English, German, French and Chinese courses are held throughout the school year
    • Music school: education is conducted throughout the year
    • The summer camp programs are held at different periods during June and July
    • Robotics courses, chess club classes and additional seminars are held throughout the school year.

    Approximate prices for studying basic educational programs:

    • Kindergarten (Infant Education): specify the cost of studying with SMAPSE specialists
    • Primary Education: specify the cost of studying with SMAPSE specialists
    • Secondary Education = 21500 € / year of study, 16300 € / semester of study (September to April or January to June), 8300 € / term of study (September to December )
    • Senior classes (Bachillerato): specify the cost of studying with SMAPSE specialists
    • International Baccalaureate: 23500 € / year of study, 16300 € / semester of study (September to April or January to June), 8300 € / term of study (September to December ).

    Programs of additional education

    Language classes (approximate prices):

    1. Cost of English courses (general English):

    • Group classes = 65 € / month
    • Individual lessons = 77 € / lesson 45 minutes, 96 € / lesson 60 minutes

    2. The cost of courses for preparing for Cambridge exams in English (Cambridge English) = 65 € / month

    3. The cost of the German language courses:

    • Group classes = 65 € / month
    • Individual lessons = 77 € / lesson 45 minutes, 96 € / lesson 60 minutes

    4. The cost of the French language courses:

    • Group classes = 65 € / month
    • Individual lessons = 77 € / lesson 45 minutes, 96 € / lesson 60 minutes

    5. Cost of the Chinese language courses:

    • Group classes = 65 € / month
    • Individual lessons = 77 € / lesson 45 minutes, 96 € / lesson 60 minutes.


    School of Music:

    The cost of teaching in various directions of the music school "Agora" is:

    • Instrumental music = 55 € / month (30 minutes each week), 100 € / month (60 minutes every week)
    • Group music types = from 13 to 30 € / month (60 minutes every week)
    • Musical Theater = 18 € / month (60 minutes every week)
    • The conservatory program (Liceu Conservatoire Program) = 25 € / month (40 minutes each week).

    Summer camp (approximate prices):

    1. The cost of sudying on the summer camp programs in English (English Summer Camp):

    • 1 week = from 175 € to 195 €
    • 2 weeks = from 265 € to 345 €
    • 3 weeks = from 345 € to 495 €
    • 4 weeks = from 425 € to 605 €
    • 5 weeks = from 515 € to 715 €

    2. Tuition fees for summer camp programs in Spanish:

    • Musical Camp (Music Camp) = from 175 € / week
    • Football Camp = from 120 € / week
    • Swimming courses = 35 € / 2 lessons per week, 80 € / 5 lessons per week
    • Tennis and pádel camp = from 175 € / week
    • Camp for the youngest («Come on, baby») = from 155 € / week.
    • Tuition fee for robotics courses for student = from 51 € / month (1 lesson every week of the month).
    • The cost of participation in the chess club = 26 € / month (4 lessons per month).
    • The cost of attending additional seminars on academic support is 42 € / month (8 lessons per month).

    Additional charges:

    • Deposit confirming the place on the course
    • Service Fee
    • Examination Boards
    • Deposit for tuition
    • Additional academic and language classes (optional)
    • Additional leisure activities and excursions (optional)
    • Air tickets in both directions
    • Compulsory medical insurance
    • Personal pocket expenses
    • Visa fees and services, translation and certification of documents
    • Consular fee (paid at the Embassy).


    • Registration fee (for a programme/course) 1000 EUR
    • Transfer (one way)
    • Study materials
    • Visa fees
    • Flight tickets
    • Medical insurance

    Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

    • Age: from 1 year to 18 years
    • A certain level of knowledge of English (specified individually)
    • A certain level of knowledge of the Spanish language (negotiated individually)
    • Report on progress and characteristics from the previous place of study
    • Interview with the applicant and his parents / representatives
    • Test to identify the level of knowledge.

    Institution on the map

    Residence permits, citizenship and other services

    • Guardianship services during the studies
    • Student supervision

    Review about Agora International School Barcelona

    Good evening! Next year 2021, I would like my daughter to study at your İB school and with whom should I contact? thanks
    Manager SMAPSE
    Emil, good afternoon. Our manager contacted you by mail, which you specified
    Hello, what is the cost of tuition and accommodation for a year according to the IB system?
    Daria Smapse
    Good afternoon. Please write you a request to, indicating the phone number so that our specialists can contact you. We will be happy to help!
    Какой уровень английского нужно иметь ученику, поступающему сразу на IB и можно ли поступить при отсутствии владения испанским?
    Smapse Manager
    Добрый день! Для поступления на программу IB, желательно иметь уровень от B1и выше. Так как обучение на программе ведется полностью на английском языке, знание испанского не обязательно для поступления на программу.
    Good afternoon, I am interested in the cost of teaching English in a summer camp for two to three weeks in June-July 1920, 16 years.
    SMAPSE Education
    Anna, sent the calculation to you in the mail
    Good afternoon is interested in the cost of learning English at a summer camp for three weeks in July, 17 years.
    SMAPSE Education
    Hello Larissa! Thank you for your application. In the near future, the specialist will send the information to your email.
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    Recommendations on when to apply

    Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
    - we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
    - there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
    - we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
    - some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
    - some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
    - we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
    - for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

    - recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
    - the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
    - for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
    - for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
    - MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.
    Official representatives. Free admissions support

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